Villagers living ahead of LoC fence get dentistry facilities at special army camp

Rajouri: Villagers living in Makri and other villages ahead of Anti Infiltration Obstacle System (AIOS), also called as LoC fence, availed specialised medical facilities of dentistry during a special oral healthcare camp organised by Indian Army’s Jhangar battalion.

This special camp was organised on the occasion of the World Oral Health Day with the motto of Oral Health Care for All.

Army officials while interacting with the villagers said that this area was chosen to provide the latest oral health care to the inhabitants of very remote areas of Karhali, Namb, Makri and Sehar villages with all these villages located ahead of AIOS on Line of Control.

Line of Control is a heavily guarded boundary between Indian and PoJK with armies of both India and Pakistan deployed on this sensitive boundary which is, however, witnessing a phase of peace for last twenty five months due to a ceasefire agreement that was announced in February 2021.

Threat of infiltration attempts, attempts to smuggle narcotics and arms are still there on LoC with forces having foiled a number of such attempts in the recent past.  This free of cost camp was open for all the villagers with special focus on village women and senior citizens. The camp was meticulously overseen by diligent Military Dental officers who set up a mobile dental chair for providing comprehensive treatment.

During the camp, army officials informed, 77 patients were treated for their oral complications as well they were informed about the importance of oral hygiene and dental health.

The noble initiative, which encompassed curative, preventive, promotive, and referral health services, was sincerely appreciated by the locals inhabiting the remote and inaccessible areas. Furthermore, the commendable efforts by the Indian Army were also in tune with the Government of India.

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