YSS kickstarts sports activities across Kashmir

Srinagar, Mar 25: The Department of Youth Services and Sports organised a mega fencing championship for the student players of different Government and Private Schools of District Budgam.

The event was inaugurated by Joint Director Kashmir of the Department of Youth Services and Sports Mohammad Rashid Kohli who was accompanied by DYSSO Budgam Balbir Singh and other senior officials of the Department of YSS.

While throwing light on the importance of such activities, JD YSS in his speech said, “As we inaugurate this event, let us remember that sports go beyond victory and defeat. It is the spirit of competition, the pursuit of excellence, and the bonds of camaraderie that truly matter. I encourage all participants to embrace these core values and fully immerse themselves in the spirit of fair play. Remember that success is not solely defined by winning medals but by the invaluable experiences and friendships formed along the way”.

The Department of Youth Services And Sports has initiated the commencement of the fresh sports season for the year 2024. To mark the beginning of this exciting journey, the inaugural activity of KhoKho was launched via Zone Amirakadal at GHSS Kothibagh by District Youth Services and Sports Office Srinagar. Under the theme “Sports as an Enabler for an Inclusive and Fit Society,” these activities aim to promote sportsmanship among the youth in the district.

More than 80 students representing various educational institutions of Zone Amirakadal (Boys/Girls) actively participated in today’s event, showcasing their exceptional sports skills. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed officials, including Chief Education Officer Srinagar, Abdul Hameed Fani, who inaugurated the event, and Principal GHSS Kothibagh, Nusrat Bukhari.

In addition to the sporting competition, all participants, along with the officials of YSS Srinagar, took a solemn oath against drug abuse, expressing their commitment to creating a drug-free environment in Srinagar.

An elaborate awareness was also spread amongst the participants about the significance of vote and the democratic setup under the theme, “Nothing like voting – I vote for sure.”

CEO Srinagar expressed his gratitude to DYSSO Srinagar Gh Hassan Lone and zone Amirakadal for organising sports events and encouraging the students to stay fit and drug-free. At the end of the event, ZPEO Zone Amirakadal, applauded the chief guest, the Principal and the sports wing of GHSS Kothibagh for providing the logistic support in making the event a success.

The Department of Youth Services And Sports extends its gratitude to all participants, officials, educational institutions, and supporting staff for their contributions in making these events a resounding success.

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