Bota Kadal residents decry dilapidated road

Residents of Bota Kadal (A) area here have expressed resentment over delay in repairs of dilapidated road in the locality.

Locals said that a drain was constructed in the area nearmasjid Salman Farsi in November last year. “Ironically, despite passing ofnearly six months, the road has not been repaired yet. Potholes and unevensurface pose risk of injuries to pedestrians and hamper our movement. Due todilapidated road, several vehicles have been damaged,” they said.

The locals said that they had approached LAWDA authoritiesto undertake repairs of the road. “However, the LAWDA officials said thatit is the job of Roads and Buildings department. Ironically, the R&Bauthorities passed the buck on the LAWDA authorities. We make a fervent appealto Deputy Commissioner Srinagar to look into the matter and direct theconcerned authorities to repair the road at the earliest,” they said.

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