Complex cardiac surgery performed at SKIMS

Department of Cardiology, SKIMS performed a successful complex percutaneous transcatheter intervention in a high risk case.

In a statement, SKIMS spokesperson said HOD Cardiology, Dr. Nisar Tramboo informed that a 70-year old man came with a massive heart attack. “His angiogram showed advanced coronary artery disease and a Ventricular Septal Defect (A hole in the heart). This condition carries high chances of death if left untreated.

There were two options of treatment, either open heart surgery or percutaneous transcatheter treatment. We decided for percutaneous transcatheter treatment as Open heart surgery was considered to be high risk in view of age and complex disease.

The patient underwent multivessel stenting followed by VSD device closure (Closing hole in heart by a button) and is doing well,” the statement said.

The statement said the procedure was done by cardiology teamled by Prof Nisar Tramboo, besides Prof. Hilal Rather, Dr. Amir Rashid, Dr.Asif Matoo, Dr. Abid Hussain,  SyedBilal, Muhammad Rafiq,  Tawheeda Khan.

The statement said director SKIMS congratulated thedepartment for conducting such complex procedures. “The experts at SKIMSare of international repute, who conduct these procedures with dexterity anddedication and benefit poor patients at SKIMS,” he added.  

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