KU’s prized land at Nigeen up for grabs, authorities in ‘slumber’

Authorities at Kashmir University (KU) have turned a blind eye to encroachment of varsity’s prized land of more than 40 Kanals near Nigeen Lake, at a walking distance from main campus at Hazratbal.

Though, as per revenue records, the varsity has thepossession of the land, it has been however been encroached by locals. Besides,a patch of the land is being used as approach road for at least six to sevenhouseboats.

“They have turned it into playground and are creatinghurdles for varsity administration to start any construction. Theadministration is non-serious in retrieving it from encroachers,” a KU officialsaid.

Some years ago the varsity had decided to construct a watersports complex and residential quarters for KU faculty on the land.

“But the construction was left mid-way. Most of the facultyat the University including assistant and associate professors don’t have anyaccommodation,” the official said.

Recently, a team of KU officials visited the spot to revivethe construction plan, but shockingly the officials stopped by locals “claimingtheir right on the land”.

“These locals are actually misled by some politician whowants this land to be used as playfield,” the official said.

Chief Proctor of the University Prof Naseer Iqbal saidnobody will be allowed to encroach upon the land and the pan for constructionof water sports complex and residential quarters will be taken up.

He said they had allowed the houseboat owners to use patchof land as approach road “temporarily”. “Once we start construction, they willnot be allowed to trespass,” the chief proctor said.

President Kashmir University Teachers Association (KUTA)Prof Muheet accused the varsity administration for its laxity in utilising theprized land properly.

“The University administration should pursue the caseseriously and start construction as soon as possible,” he said.

Registrar KU, Nisar Ahmad Mir however contradicted the chiefproctor saying construction of water sports complex was halted over a disputeafter houseboat owners demanded permanent approach road through the land.

“We have taken up the matter with LAWDA authorities andrequested them to provide a separate approach road to them,” he said.

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