NC decries lack of basic amenities in Downtown

National Conference today decried lack of basic amenities in Downtown area here.

NC spokesperson in a statement said during a visit toDowntown, NC general secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar was briefed by people abouttheir problems. “There is no accountability on ground; the fate of the vitalprojects which were initiated during the NC led government has been put into alimbo. Not even a single penny is being spent on the up gradation of roadinfrastructure in the Shaher-e-Khaas areas,” Sagar said.

“Srinagar has conventionally suffered on developmentfront whenever NC has not been in power. We are aware of the development needsof the city. Srinagar city is the face of our state, however unfortunately theformer BJP-PDP government didn’t rise up to the demands of the historical city.Nevertheless, when in power the party will come up with a comprehensive planfor the all round development of the city and its people,” he said.

 “The districtadministration and concerned agencies have miserably failed to upkeep thecommunity halls, parks and other vital infrastructure of public importance in thehistorical city,” he said.

 “Nowadays a drizzleof rain inundates the city hence deflating the tall claims of governoradministration on the development of Srinagar. People have acquainted me aboutthe shortage of drinking water in the Shahr-e-Khaas. The people aggravated dueto the absolute shortage of drinking water. The taps in the Old City ofSrinagar are running dry. People are facing many problems due to the watershortage. The females in particular are finding it difficult to run theirkitchen due to shortage of drinking water. I urge the district administrationto ensure steady supply in the Shahar e Khas areas of Srinagar,” he said.

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