No end to traffic woes on Rangreth-Sanat Nagar road

Livid with “callous approach” of the state government, residents of different uptown area along Rangreth-Sanat Nagar road have urged Beacon authorities to take up widening of the route.

The state’s public works department has failed to start workon the key road despite having prepared its detailed project report fivedecades ago.


The entire stretch of Sanat Nagar-Rangreth road frequentlywitnesses traffic jams, causing inconvenience to the commuters. The governmenthad approved the proposal to widen this road for ensuring hassle free movementof vehicles.

“It is unfortunate that there has been no progress on roadwidening even after decades,” said a delegation of locals.

They urged the Beacon authorities to take up the projectwhich was also important from defense point of view owing to frequent movementof Army convoys on the road.

To mention, with rapid urbanization, the areas along theroad stretch have been developed into residential colonies, witnessing increasein flow of vehicular movement. The road is also vital as it leads to RangrethIndustrial Estate which houses major industrial units of the Valley.

However despite importance of this road link, the projecthas been put in cold storage. The authorities concerned are also passing buckon each other for inordinate delay in completion of the project.

As per an official of public works department the plan toundertake four-laning of the stretch was envisaged in late 70s’ to cater toincreasing traffic movement. However, the project never materialized due tofailure of officials to put up it in central funding project schemes.

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