Noted physician Dr G Q Allaqaband interacts with BEI students

Srinagar, Sep 18: The tiny tots of Bilaliya Education Institute (BEI), Lal Bazar sprang a surprise for guests at a function organised in honour of legendary physician and medical educationist Dr G Q Allaqaband, former Principal of prestigious Government Medical College, Srinagar with their variety programme.

The students held the audience spellbound with their skits, songs, recitations dealing with topics like abuse of mobile phones, importance of trees, folk songs like Bishta, Bishta Biyareo Khoutkho Wun, importance good conduct in public life.

 The audience had never expected the students to perform so well with all the confidence. Each one of the presentations received thunderous applause from the participants. On the occasion while the noted psychiatrist and psycho social activist Dr Mushtaq Margoob spoke about the contribution of Prof Allaqaband to the healthcare, Dr Farooq Ahmad Kaloo, well known social activist discussed his struggles and rise to the top and his contribution to medical research and guiding scores of MD, DM students. Dr Shah from NIT urged the management to use all the novel methods including using multiple number of teachers for focused attention to individual students , adopt NEP and invite lead persons in different fields to interact with the students,

Dr Allaqaband turned nostalgic and shared his experiences and struggle in life with the students. He was more than receptive to the health related questions from students. It may be recalled that prof Allaqaband  has hundreds of scientific articles published in peer reviewed national and international medical journals. And his contribution to medical education has been immense.

Impressed by the performance of the girl  students and their ability to interact and communicate Prof Allaqaband desired to visit the Boys wing of the school at Khimber. Shafaqat Jahan, noted educationist, presented the vote of thanks and appreciated the gesture of the chief guest to spare time to attend the Ek Mulaqaat programme of the school.

Earlier Manzoor Ahmad Wangnoo, chairman of the school said,”we the Wangnoos have had the distinction of having him as our family physician from the very beginning of his career – it is a relationship spanning over 5 generations now -from my grandfather, my father, me, my children and now their children. I have observed him from a close by distance and found him to be an embodiment of humility, piety and courtesy. His dedication and love for the society has been outstanding.”

“We at Bilaliya Education Institute felt it necessary to acknowledge his contribution to society and simultaneously provide a chance to our students to interact with him and get inspired,” he said.  “He graciously accepted our invite and spent almost whole day with us,” added Wangnoo.

The function was also attended by some distinguished citizens including Dr Zadoo, Shafaqat Jahan famed educationist, Haji Lateef Ahmad Bhat, Haji Abdul Majid Khan leading businessmen & environmental activists and a host of learned ladies and gentlemen teachers and students.

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