Speeding car crushes 24 sheep to death

A speeding car crushed 24 sheep to death over Abdullah Bridge here and wounded as many when a flock was being herded across Jhelum by Bakewals, police said Friday. 

The incident happened around half past midnight Thursdaywhen a speeding car with registration plate HR 02AG 2240 rammed into the slowlymoving flock of sheep.


“We ceased the vehicle and arrested the driver. An FIR hasalso been registered for rash and negligent driving,” Station House Officer ofKothi Bagh Police Station said.

Netizens were quick to react to the incident with grief soonafter photos of the mowed sheep went viral over social media.

“Terrible incident! Rash driving of vehicles during night notonly threatens life of livestock but of those also who travel during night,strict punishment will act as deterrent,” Faisal, a netizen wrote on twitter.

Leaders of Gujjar and Bakarwal community say huge losses areinflicted every year on the community by such recurring incidents due to rashdriving and that more was needed to be done for compensating the livestockherders.

“Last year around 90 sheep were crushed to death by truck atMughal Road and later that year another incident took place in Ramban. Theseherdsmen come from poor background and most of the time they are raring sheepof other people who they have to compensate after such incidents,” said ZahidParwaaz, president of Gujjar Barkarwal Youth Conference.

“There should be a proper insurance policy in place andstrict action should be taken against those who are involved in killinglivestock due to irresponsible driving.”

Every year hundreds of herdsmen make long journeys on footmoving their livestock between Jammu region of the state and high pastures ofKashmir for grazing. Scores of sheep are similarly killed during the transitionboth ways.

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