Tehsildar Shalteng, Naib Tehsildar Batamaloo arrested for accepting bribe: ACB

Srinagar, Jul 18: Anti-corruption Bureau on Monday arrested Tehsildar Shalteng and Naib-tehsildar Batamaloo in Srinagar district for allegedly accepting bribe.

An ACB spokesman said it received a written complaint alleging therein that Mohammad Younis, Tehsildar and Gh. Rasool Hajam, Naib-Tehsildar of Tehsil Office Shalteng are demanding rupees 5 lakh as bribe for allowing the complaints to run their business on Nazool land transferred in their favour under Roshni Act which has been recently declared ultra vires, at Rampur, Chattabal Srinagar, while the matter is sub-judice and pending disposal before the Court of law.

The amount of bribe was settled to be paid in installments and as first installment, the complainants were asked to pay rupees 2 lakh, the ACB said. “However, before paying the bribe amount to the accused persons, the complainants approached Anti Corruption Bureau for taking legal action against the accused public servants under law,” it added.

It said that on receipt of the complaint Case FIR No. 29/2022 U/S 7 PC Act 1988 r/w 120-B IPC was registered and investigation was taken up a trap team constituted.

“The team laid a successful trap and caught red-handed Gh. Rasool Hajam, Naib Tehsildar, Shalteng while demanding and accepting the bribe amount of rupees 2 lakh from the complainant as first instalment of rupees 5 lakh. The bribe money was recovered from the possession of the accused namely Gh. Rasool Hajam, Naib Tehsildar, Batmaloo in presence of independent witnesses. Mohammad Younis Bangroo, Tehsildar Shalteng was also arrested by the ACB team”, said the ACB.

Later the searches were carried out at the residences and official quarters of the alleged accused Public Servants, subsequent to the searches at Tehsil office, Shalteng”, it added.

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