Umer Colony residents decry dilapidated road

Residents of lane No 3 Umer Colony B have expressed resentment over dilapidated road in the locality.

A delegation from the area said that the road leads tointeriors of a residential area of Mal Bagh in Lal Bazar.

“The road, which is the only link to large chunk ofpopulation in the Umer Colony neighbourhood, has been left unattended. Thoughwork on the drain, which the residents say is a failure, has been completed inlate March, but the repair work and macadamisation of the road is still pendingeven after passing of many months,” they said.

“They wanted to replace the surface drain with anunderground one on this road, but that has blocked the small drains.Faultyconstruction of the drain causes water logging at many places. This hampersdisposal of wastewater for a number of households,” said Nazir Ahmad Khan, whoresides near Masjid Umer on Lane 3 of Umer Colony B.

“The road is not fit for vehicular traffic. Thiscreates lot of inconvenience to the residents. The problem gets aggravated whenthere is even light rain. One has to leave the vehicle almost a kilometre away.Even people face injuries due potholes on the road. Conducting a marriagefunction or any other event, has become a nightmare for the residentshere,” said a resident of the lane.

The residents said despite approaching the authorities manya times, no action has been taken so far. “We appeal DC Srinagar to lookinto the matter and directed the concerned authorities to takes measures forrepairing the road and restoring drainage supply,” they said.

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