Editorial|Food safety concerns

One of the biggest healthcare concerns today, in Kashmir, isthe quality of food available in our markets. The food we consume now poses abig threat to our health. It is now a known fact that here in is stationed ahuge risk to our health. The deterioration in the quality of the food hasbrought terrible results to the fore.

This is clearly reflected in the medical studies conductedin our hospitals. All the available data reflect that the rise in dangerousdiseases, like cancer, can largely be attributed to the food we consume. Inthis regard experts have been underlining the implications of the junk andpackaged food.

What has also come to the fore is that the things, likespices, pulses, red and white meet, that are available in our markets need astrict vigil. Today we are again confronted by this threatening scenario thatadulteration, and other ways of compromising quality, in such items is a realproblem.

We regularly come across the news that there areunscrupulous elements operating in our state that are involved in adulterationof food items. This raises an alarm. In many cases good quantities ofadulterants were found stocked; these adulterants comprised grass, rice husk,flour, salt, and prohibited colours. Howsoever we later sleep over such mattersconsidering that this could be an isolated case of adulteration.

We know that such things happen in the length and breath ofthis state. The food items available in our markets pose a threat to ourhealth, and the concerned authorities will have to draw a comprehensive plan toweed out the unwanted elements from the food shelves, in our markets.

How such adulterants find their way into the godowns of foodmakers, and how it is sold in the market; the entire chain needs to be exposed.Each one in the chain is an offender and deserves severe punishment. Aconcerted public campaign, involving the concerned government agencies andcivil society formations, can be initiated to ensure long term results.

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