NEW YEAR: Vohra, Mehbooba, Abdullahs, others greet people

Governor NN Vohra on Sunday conveyed his greetings to the people of Jammu and Kashmir on the eve of New Year and prayed that 2018 ushers peace and normalcy which would promote progress, prosperity and well being of all sections of the society.

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti also greeted people of the state on the eve of New Year.

In a message, she hoped 2018 to be a year of development, peace, harmony, progress and social integration in the state.

“I earnestly pray that the New Year brings along joy, happiness, peace and prosperity for our people who have suffered immensely,” the Chief Minister said.

Deputy chief minister Nirmal Singh also greeted the people of the state on eve of New Year.

In a message, Singh hoped that the coming year would lead the state to an era of peace, prosperity and overall development besides also strengthening the bonds of love and compassion. National Conference president Farooq Abdullah and working president Omar Abdullah also greeted the people of the state on New Year’s eve.

Praying for peace, stability and prosperity in the state and the region in 2018, the Abdyllahs hoped the New Year would witness a greater focus on reconciliation and peace efforts between India and Pakistan and also usher the state into a new era of growth and progress.

“Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah offered condolences to the families of those innocent civilians who lost their lives in the previous year and also underlined the need to reach out to people in misery and distress,” a National Conference spokesman said.

Praying that the New Year sees an end to the cycle of death and destruction that has yet again engulfed Kashmir for the past couple of years, the Abdullahs also paid glowing tributes to the brave policemen and security forces personnel who laid down their lives in 2017, the spokesman said.

Chief secretary BB Vyas also greeted people of the state on the New Year eve.

In his felicitation message, the chief secretary hoped 2018 to be a year of peace, progress and prosperity for the people of the state.

“I pray that the New Year brings along joy, happiness and prosperity for the people of Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.

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