Overseas traveller discharged from DRDO Khanmoh hospital

Srinagar, Dec 10: A traveller who had been isolated from a quarantine center here after his sample tested positive a week ago was on Friday discharged from DRDO COVID19 Hospital Khanmoh, following a negative RT-PCR test.

The lone isolated traveler who had returned from Saudi Arabia and arrived at Srinagar International Airport was admitted at DRDO COVID19 Hospital on December 2. He was in quarantine at a local hotel and his sample had been reported to be positive. As per the new protocols, every traveler with a history of visit to outside India is to be isolated if they test positive and their samples are to be sent for Genome Sequencing. The traveler was mildly symptomatic when he reached the hospital as per the doctors.

Dr Abdul Rasheed Parra, Medical Superintendent of DRDO Hospital said the patient was “absolutely asymptomatic” today and was sent for 10 day home quarantine. Dr Parra said he was not aware of the results of genome sequencing. “It must be with SKIMS Soura,” he said.

However, a senior official in the health department said the report was not available at the moment. He expressed concern over the delay in Genome Sequencing.

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