COVID19 positivity rate reduces to 3.7 percent in Srinagar

Srinagar, July 1: In further improvement in COVID19 situation, the COVID19 positivity rate in the summer capital has reduced to 3.7 percent even as the recovery rate has shown an improvement.

According to data compiled by the district administration, the positivity rate has reduced from six percent to 3.7 percent in the recent past. Around a month ago, the positivity rate was 9.5 percent.

“The recovery rate in Srinagar is 97.59 percent, which is also a matter of satisfaction,” the official said.

The data reveals that as of June 27 Srinagar has just 858 active COVID19 cases.

An official informed that the rate of deaths caused by COVID19 has also been considerably reduced in Srinagar.

He said that the mortality rate going considerably down has also reduced the burden on Srinagar hospitals in terms of pandemic to large extent.

“It has also allowed some hospitals to resume OPD work and resume other surgeries,” said an official.

He said that the decline in the admissions of COVID19 patients at the hospitals in Srinagar and recovery rate of infected patients have also left large number of beds vacant.

However, the official said that that strict adherence to COVID19 appropriate behavior and inoculation are the only measures to fight and defeat the pandemic. “We must not lower our guard and must continue to adhere to safety guidelines,” he said.

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