Umer Colony ‘B’ Lal Bazar residents decry official apathy

We the residents of Umer Colony ‘B’ Lal Bazar Lane No- 03near RP school would like to draw the attention of the authorities towards thedilapidated condition of drainage system in our locality. It has been more thana year now that a drain sanctioned under centrally sponsored scheme AMRUT wasconstructed in our area and executed by R&B. However due to lackadaisicalattitude of the concerned department that the drain has not been macadamizedand black topped yet thereby causing huge inconvenience to the residents of thearea. We have time and again approached the concerned officials of the saiddepartment who are refusing to finish the rest of the work by saying that thedrain which has been constructed by R&B under AMRUT now belongs to the SMCand rest of the work is to be done by SMC only. When we approached the SMC theyput the ball in R&B’s court. Due to this callous approach we are sufferingimmensely.  Besides school going childrenof our area and those who go to Masjid early morning and late evening arefacing tremendous difficulty as there are huge craters and big pot holes leftuncovered which can cause serious injury. Therefore we request the concernedauthorities to direct the concerned departments to finish the rest of the workat the earliest.


Residents of Umer Colony ‘B’ Lane No- 03 Lal Bazar’

JKSSB forgets to announce new dates 

In December 2017 JKSSB advertised posts in Jammu and KashmirLabor and Employment department and the exam was scheduled to be held on 12April 2018. Due to shutdown on the same day the exam was postponed and the newdates are yet to be announced. Aspirants have been waiting for the pastone  year for the new dates.


Don’t leave side portions without macdamization

On the behalf of the people I appeal to R&B departmentand other departments not to leave the side portions (left and right) of theroads without macdamization as this becomes the reason for dust emanating fromalmost all the roads across Kashmir.

Muhammad Junaid

Revoke new criteria

We the candidates from Kulgam urge the Jammu and KashmirService Selection Board to revoke the new criteria for the posts of junior assistants. It is typing based postand candidates have been practicing typing for the past so many years to getselected. Earlier the JKSSB used to give 100% weight age to typing. But now thecriteria stands changed. It’s sheer injustice with the candidates, who havebeen working hard to develop this skill.     

Aamir Shafi

Hire dieticians in all hospitals

We the citizens appeal Health department to hire dieticiansin all sub district  and other statehospitals in the state. We appeal the department to create posts for dieticiansin hospitals so that they can advise the patients about the diet they need. Wehope people at the helm will pay heed to our request and do the needful.


Sopore-Kulangam road in shambles

Road from Sopore to Kulangam is in shambles. We requestthe  concerned authorities to wake up andrepair this road at the earliest.


Save us from stray dogs

We the residents of Hydria Colony Arabal near Shalimar arefacing lot of inconvenience due to increasing menace of stray dogs. We areexperiencing lot of incidents of dog bites and other accidents due to thehorror unleashed stray dogs.

We want to bring it into the notice of the authorities thatdozens of stray dogs are infected by a type contagious/fungal disease in whichthese stray dogs loose the hair growth on their skin (fur). The disease isspreading in this area especially at Hydria colony, Arabal at an alarming paceand every dog that comes in contact with the infected dogs also loses its hairgrowth and the effect goes on to other birds and animals which includes cows,etc.  We fear that the disease willdefinitely spread over the entire area and effect the population especiallychildren and senior citizens.

We request the authorities to kindly take immediate actionto curb this menace before situation takes an ugly turn.

Nisar Ali Mir

Putwari village demands dustbins

We the residents of Putwari village in Handwara request theauthorities to place dustbins in our locality. Due to the lack of dustbins inour village, we are suffering a lot due to water and air borne diseases. Also,we don’t have any pits where we can dump the garbage. This leads to peoplethrowing all the waste in water bodies.

We request the Governor’s administration to bestow us withthis facility so that a large number of dust borne diseases would getcontrolled and water bodies are saved from getting polluted.  


Dangling wires pose threat to lives in Sumbal

Dangling electric wires tied with trees and worn-out woodenpoles are posing grave threat to the lives of people as well as to theirproperty in Zalpora Sumbal village of Sonawari in Bandipora district. Besidespeople are facing acute power shortage due to deteriorating transmissioninfrastructure.

We the residents are living under constant fear due to lowlying electric wires tied with trees in our village. These wires have been tiedwith trees and decaying electric poles. Wires are worn out and fall in a jiffydue to winds.

It is most unfortunate that PDD claims that electricityreaches to all but the fact is that it’s the consumer who pays for electricwires. Whenever  wind blows the electricitysystem remains affected for weeks together.

The electric lines touch the roofs of houses and trees onroads posing risk to life and property. There have been many incidents ofpeople getting injured after coming to contact with power lines. Despite therepeated pleas concerned authorities have not taken any action so far. It isalso unfortunate that the PDD has not delivered bills from past one year. Nowthe department has sent bills with interests that have shocked us all. Werequest the Governor’s administration to take a serious note of our sufferingand make PDD accountable for its negligence.

Residents of Zalpora Sumbal

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