Axe Poplar trees

We want to bring it into the notice of the higher ups thatdespite clear cut directions to cut the Poplar trees the administration atGovernment Degree College Bemina is not taking any steps to axe hundreds ofpoplar trees in the college campus.


We request the district administration and concerneddepartment to initiate action so that the people residing close to the BeminaDegree College heave a sigh of relief.


Improper address on electric bills

The electrical bills are sent to various localities inRainawari on the address of “Puj Mohalla”. I want to inform the concerned AEEsub division, Rainawari that  “PujMohalla” is known as “Hassi Bhat.” The adjacent mohallas to Hassi Bhat (PujMohalla) are NaidBooni, Naidyar, KalwalMohalla, Zind Shah Mohalla etc. whichare also put in the same category Puj Mohalla. It is, therefore, a wronginterpretation to address every mohalla adjacent to Hassi Bhat as “PujMohalla.”

We request the PDD and AEE concerned to make the necessarycorrections in the bill records and give proper name of the mohallas instead of”Puj Mohalla.”

G N Wadoo

Naid Booni, Rainawari

Repair defunct streetlight

We the residents of Buchpora have been requesting the PowerDevelopment Department to restore the defunct street light at Buchpora but tilldate our pleas have fallen flat on deaf ears. We request the  Chief Engineer PDD to intervene and directthe concerned officials to repair this street light forthwith.

Residents of Buchpora, Sarfi Colony

Provide network coverage

We the residents of Dahwoth Batpora Gulzarpora Pulwama arefacing hardships with respect to the mobile network connectivity particularlyAirtel, Jio and Vodafone. We have submitted many complaints to these operatorsbut all in vain. Even we lodged a complaint with the JK Grievance cell. Thecomplaints were forwarded to the concerned DC last year. And finally thecomplaint was closed without any solution. Though our village is 2.5km from theexisting network site of these operators still we are in trouble. Many times wehave been told by the representatives of the companies  that more towers will be installed but tilldate their assurances have remained confined to papers only. We once again requestthe concerned authorities to get this issue resolved at the earliest.


5-yrs on, Bemina residents await compensation

We want to bring it into the notice of the concernedauthorities that many 2014 flood victims in Bemina were given only the firstcheque of Rs 12,600 as compensation.

The 2014 floods had caused wide spread devastation in Beminaand victims were placed in the first category after proper verification andinspection by the authorities.  But afterpaying the first installment authorities just forgot us and second installmentof Rs 50,000 and Rs one lakh twenty thousand was not paid to us.

We appeal the Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik tointervene and help the flood victims, who have been waiting for thecompensation for the past five years.

Muhammad Ayoob Gilkar

Bakshi Abad, Iqbal Abad

Expedite recruitment process 

We the job aspirants had applied for the posts of guards andother vacancies which were advertised by the Excise department. Till date wehave not been informed about the status of our applications. We request theconcerned authorities to expedite the recruitment process and end ourdilemma.  

Ishfaq Yusuf and M Haneef


We the residents of Bagh-e-Mehtab want to remind DeputyCommissioner Srinagar that he had promised to convert the garbage dump in ourarea into a park but till date nothing has been done.

The garbage dump site at Bagh e Mehtab near Railway bridehas become a breeding ground for dogs and the stink emanating from it has madethe lives of people miserable. The garbage dump poses threat to the Dodh Gangaas filth flows into the river.   

From 2012 on-wards SMC sanitation staff has been using apiece of land which is part of Doodh Ganga embankment at Bagh e Mehtab as a dumpingsite.

Several trash collecting vans of SMC also get all the wastefrom entire Bagh e Mehtab colony to the site located near the Doodh Ganga.

Abdul Bari Dar

Baghi Mehtab

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