Madina colony residents seek CE’s intervention

We the residents of Madina Colony B K Pora request theconcerned authorities to repair the road leading to our colony. We are facingimmense hardship due to the dilapidated condition of this road. We request theChief Engineer of Road and Buildings department to direct the concerned torepair this link road without any further delay. 


Residents of Madina Colony B K Pora

Through Muzamil H Qureshi

Kulgam residents suffer in absence of public transport

We the residents of district Kulgam are facing extreme hardshipsdue to the non-availability of public transport. We also met the RegionalTransport Officer Kulgam to discuss this issue. He assured us that the matterwould be looked into but till date nothing has been done. We reach home lateeveryday due to non availability of public transport. Our earnest appeal to theconcerned department is to look into the matter and get it resolved at theearliest.

Wali Luqman

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