Pond turns into garbage dump 

This refers to a natural pond located at Avengund Pulwama,which has turned into a pool of sewage. It has become a breeding ground formosquitoes and insects. People throw garbage and even defecate in the open. Ithas made the matters worse.


In just one year, the pond has turned into a dump yard. Thishas led to spurt in mosquito menace and a persistent rancid smell in and aroundthe area. Garbage is scattered all over the pond, while dirty water full ofsilt has added to the miseries of the residents.

The pond is in a pathetic condition and needs to bemaintained at earliest to prevent outbreak of major epidemic in the area.

We request district administration Pulwama to look into thematter so that situation doesn’t turn worse. 

Showkat Ali

Avengund pulwama

Shah Faisal market shopkeepers urge authorities to have some mercy 

Shah Faisal market in Apple town Sopore has turned intogarbage dumping site for the Sopore Municipal Committee.

Municipal authorities were repeatedly requested not to throwthe garbage in the chowk but all in vain and without any response. This has putthe question mark on the seriousness of the authorities to implement SwachBharat Abhiyan.

We request the concerned authorities to pay some heedtowards this all important market in north Kashmir. Shopkeepers are sufferingdue to the lackadaisical attitude of the authorities.

We urge the authorities to identify a garbage dumping siteoutside the town rather than dumping the garbage of the entire town at theentry point of Shah Faisal market.

Bashir Ahmad 


Shopian residents seek DC’s intervention

We the people of district Shopian are facing immensehardship due to the non-availability of public transport. In 21Ist century wehave to travel 7 to 9 kms on foot to reach the main bus stop.

We have approached the RTO Shopian on many occasions andhave apprised him about the villages around Shopian not having public transportfacility. Till date nothing has been done to address this issue. We urge theDeputy Commissioner Shopian to look into the matter as early as possible andprovide some SRTC buses from Shopian to Kulgam and adjacent villages. So thatpeople could heave a sigh of relief.

Luqman Ahmad Wani 


Open J&K Branch at Dooru

We the residents of Duroo, Shiva, Mundji, Pazalpora, Semporaand Machipora in Sopore area appeal J&K bank authorities to open a branchat Duroo village for the convenience of people. Opening of a bank branch willhelp 40000 souls putting up in these areas.


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