NGOs, social organisations, volunteers join efforts to pro vide relief among needy

Several NGOs, social organisations and volunteers are working to help people affected by COVID-19 and lockdown in Ganderbal district.

Some of these organisations have come together to provide assistance in different ways.

One such organisation is She Hope Society for Women Entrepreneurs (SHSFWE).

Ever since the outbreak of coronavirus SHSFWE has been at the frontline offering various services to COVID-19 victims.

Director SHSFWE Sami Wani said, “As the lockdown disrupted the economic activity bringing untold misery to the people, SHSFWE immediately swung into action by distributing dry ration, medicines, sanitary napkins, masks, coveralls, and hygiene kits for the elderly to enable the most affected to sustain during those hard times.”

Wani said that they had so far provided 29 oxygen concentrators to COVID-19 infected patients in different areas of the Kashmir.

He said they were also providingĀ  ambulance services to the people requiring to be transported to hospitals.

Another volunteer group ‘AwaazAurEhsaas Foundation’ which is working for the destitute, sick and downtrodden society since the COVID-19 outbreak started initiatives to deliver essentials to the people in need at their doorsteps.

“We have identified some people, made a list of people whose livelihood has been hit by lockdown. During last few days we have delivered food and other necessary items to them in several areas here,” said Raja Parvaiz, who leads the AwaazAurEhsaas Foundation group.

Some other NGOs, social and religious organisations besides volunteer groups in Kangan and Ganderbal areas of the district have also been putting in efforts to provide relief to the people in need during pandemic.

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