SKUAST-K organises lecture on stress management

Srinagar June 22: Directorate of Extension SKUAST-Kashmir Tuesday organised a lecture on stress management.

The guest speaker was Prof J P Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu and Kashmir, who spoke on stress management with the theme ‘life is better when you are laughing’.

The prominent officers on dias included Prof Dil Muhammad Makhdoomi Director Extension, Prof Sarfaraz A Wani Director Research, Prof M N Khan Director Education and Prof Gul Zafar Registrar, SKUAST-K.

Besides all officers, Deans, Heads of the Divisions, Stations and KVKs heads attended the meeting in the Nund Reshi auditorium while many scientists and people form different sections of the society attended in online mode.

At the onset Prof J P Sharma appreciated SKUAST-K administration for showing their promptness in submitting the cases of university scientists, who were elevated to higher positions and assured that every genuine demand of the employees would be resolved in the shortest possible time and expected full support from the related offices who are at the helm of affairs.

He said that Government of India under NEP 2020 was going to introduce those courses on stress management which are result oriented.

Prof Sharma expressed his concern over the ever-increasing incidence of acute stress and stress-related problems amongst housewives, heads of families, boys, girls and students.

Prof Sharma started his talk by defining wellness as the inner and outer felicity, which an individual feel in the act of living, working and interacting in a community.

He explained the importance of maintaining good physical, vital, mental and spiritual health.

He suggested simple ways of managing stress like regular exercise, right nutrition, a gentle, pleasing and harmonious material environment, lots of fresh and clean air, sunlight and open space, clarity and mutual understanding, a certain amount of rest, relaxation and leisure and awakening of the spiritual self in us.

He said that big stress on people’s mind had become a bigger challenge which needed some steps to cope up with stress and emphasized that stress management is the need of hour today during these difficult and challenging times.

The mental disorders are major concerns in adulthood, which includes health, education, employment, social interaction, violence and crime.

Prof Sharma concluded his speech with the remarks that every listener should take a pledge of laughing at least 15 minutes a day, by which he will be released of two hours of stress and everyone should be having positive thinking and satisfaction in his life which is the root cause of happiness.

Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension and Amal Saxena, Associate Director KVK also spoke on the occasion.

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