Meant for Pohru Chakla, BDO office working at Langate

The residents of Pohru in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district expressed displeasure over authorities failing to ensure working of Block Development Office (BDO) in their area.

The residents said that the CD Block was specifically sanctioned for Pohru in the previous dispensation but since tahen authorities did not take any concrete step to make it operational in their area due to reasons best known to them.

“We are unable to figure out why we are being deprived of our rights. We want to ask authorities why the BDO office is functioning at Langate,” Abid Ahmad Sheikh, a local youth, told Greater Kashmir.

“Langate already has a municipal committee and keeping CD Block there is in no means helpful for the people of seven panchayat halqas,” he added.

The youth of the area said that working at the BDO office at Pohru would certainly increase the avenues of their livelihood.

Meanwhile Block Development Council (BDC) Member Showkat Hassan Pandit said that the land has already been identified for establishing of CD Block at Pohru.

He said that efforts were on to make it operational in Pohru. He appealed to people to wait for a few months till their genuine grievance was redressed.

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