Jamaat-e-Islami Hind rejects Triple Talaq bill; expresses concern over hate crimes

The five-day conclave of the Central Advisory Council of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind chaired by its president Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari ended in Palakkad, Kerala, today. The Council deliberated in detail several issues including bill on triple talaq, deteriorating law and order situation and the failing economy.

Stating that triple talaq bill is anti-Shariah and against the Constitution, the resolutions passed in the conclave said: “The bill has many internal contradictions and is against the interests and rights of Muslim women. The bill makes the pronouncement of triple talaq by the husband a criminal offence punishable with a jail sentence of 3 years and a fine. The JIH Central Advisory Council feels that not only is this Bill contrary to Article 25 of the Constitution of India which guarantees freedom of religion but also goes against the recent judgment of the Supreme Court regarding triple talaq. When the bill does not consider triple talaq to be valid then how can it be punishable? The bill has also made the husband responsible for the maintenance of his wife and children. The question that arises is that how can a person, who is in jail, be able to take care of his wife and children.”

The resolution expressed surprise and concern that the government, while bringing a bill regarding the Shariah, did not consult the Islamic scholars, Shariah experts, the Muslim community and Muslim religious organizations and representatives of Muslim women organizations.

The JIH Central Advisory Council expressed concern at the deteriorating law and order situation of the country, growing incidents of lawlessness, failing economy and various attempts at weakening the democratic institutions of the country. The protests against the arrest of a person accused of lynching and burning to death of a Muslim laborer in Rajasthan, shows that it was not an isolated criminal act but there is a systematic political force and movement supporting these gruesome killings. 

“The conclave has taken strict notice of the violence being perpetuated against Muslims, Christians, Adivasis and Dalits and feels that there is a systematic effort to create communal polarization in the country.”

The conclave expressed grave concern on the state of the national economy. The resolution states that the growing unemployment, fluctuating currency and the improper implementation of GST has severely impacted the economy. 

“The resolution demands that the rate of direct tax should be reduced and GST Council must be brought under the purview of accountability. The resolution expressed concern over the method of ‘bail in’ that has been incorporated in the proposed FRDI Bill. The JIH Central Advisory Council also expressed concern over the rejection by the Government of India to setup ”interest free” windows in conventional banks as recommended by a special committee of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 

The Council also expressed concern over the prevailing situation in the Islamic World. 

“The Central Advisory Council feels that the entire region should be freed from foreign interference.”

The Council condemned the declaration by the American President that Jerusalem (Bait al Maqdis or Al Quds) will become the capital of Israel and the American embassy will be shifted there. The JIH Central Advisory Council praised India for opposing and voting against the stand of the American President on this issue and for continuing its laudable tradition of supporting the Palestinian cause.

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