Alarming rise in Congestive Heart Failures in 2020

Myocardial infarction among young adults and children is on the rise & its prevalence is common these days across the globe.

A myocardial infarction (MI), known as heart attack commonly, occurs when blood flow decreases or stops to a part of the heart, causing damage to the heart muscle. The most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck or jaw.

The cases are rising and many preliminary scientific researches and experts have opined that it may be due to the towering number of COVID +ve cases since the break of the Pandemic last year.

Almost into one and a half year of its age, the deadly virus has crippled the human race confining people to the four walls of their rooms which has resulted in melancholy and depression. A monotonous like situation has resulted and imposed by the Mother Nature in every place and among all the age groups. Mankind is not in a position to do their trade and exchange their goods in the markets as the financial markets have crumbled across the globe throwing mankind at the receiving end. Everywhere people are dealing with anxiety, stress, and apprehensions; mind has been dented badly resulting in augmentation of Cardiac, Brain and major organ problems that ultimately lead to a converging effect on the human heart. People are inactive in every neck of the woods, unemployment is more prominent.

In Kashmir, Covid-19 Pandemic is one of the many reasons causing Cardiac Arrests. Political uncertainty, unemployment, depression, peer pressure, societal compulsions and ill doings of the Covid 19 Pandemic are some telling causes that has led to Cardiac Arrests becoming a regular phenomenon.

The rising cases of deaths particularly among the younger generations due to heart attacks has left civil society and medical fraternity worried. Things aren’t looking good at the moment with healthcare not looking in a good shape.

It is time stake-holders come together to make sure the situation is taken care of. While Covid 19 virus is on the rampage, its spread has to be contained big time to prevent more people getting infected by it. Healthcare infrastructure needs to be upgraded so that people who suffer sudden heart attack are provided with first line support so that number of deaths is limited. The issues like unemployment and depression are addressed sooner than later ensuring young generation is at ease without much to worry about.

Shereen Pandit is pursuing masters in Mass Communication and Journalism at Kashmir University

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