Day care facility for old people

First as a society we have to come out of denial, times have changed, nuclear families have  replaced joint family structure and to complicate it more many of our young doctors, engineers, business men, have left for foreign countries and even other states.

Why they left can be a subject of other debates and well researched articles. Fact is that they have left and their parents are lonely. Not only this, we have many adult children who have left their parents alone, while living in the same city.

Let us concentrate on solving the existing problem of loneliness faced by such parents. I read with great interest an article written by Er. Ashraf Fazilli sahab, and I agree for now we need to have day care centers for old or even retired. 

I know most retired employees are used to regular routines , like getting up early, breakfast , reaching the office and getting respect from juniors as well as interacting with other staff.

Each one of these routines are firmly grounded in the minds of employees or even people who do different type of business. Suddenly after retirement each of these routines is just blocked which is a rude shock for any person, and does affect mental health of a person first than anything else.

I always recommend changes from active life to retired life should be gradual and not sudden. I also have this simple opinion that day care centers should be opened in more and more localities.

We should not wait for the government as it is impossible for the government to do all this everywhere. In every locality we will have houses that have one or two people living in it, like Father and helper or Mother and maid.

After getting consent these houses can be used as day care centers, where once in a month or twice in a month old people can gather. We have retired doctors, teachers,  who can voluntarily help other older people live a life of dignity. Our esteemed teachers are an ocean of knowledge and can give knowledge and talk about unique traditions of their times.

Spiritual Wellness is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives.

The ability to develop congruence between values and actions and to realize a common purpose that binds creation together contributes to our Spiritual Wellness. 

I have been working relentlessly on spreading spirituality, so people like me will be the first to volunteer their services on Sundays.

We must also remember age is just a number, retirement means the second innings of your life. Do start your hobbies which you left when you were working like painting, gardening, writing .

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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