Dialysis and our society: What is the link?

According to a study published in Lancet led by Prof Vivekanand Jha- the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015 states Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the 8th cause of death in India, accounting for 3.04 percent of all deaths, representing a 50 percent rise over 10 years.

Almost all CKD deaths are due to complications from End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). A clear majority of ESRD patients in India do not have access to long-term dialysis and die prematurely because of resource limitations. But a lot has changed for the better after this study.

As we know for the benefit of patients requiring dialysis, the Health & Medical Education Department has made dialysis centers operational in all the 20 Districts of the Union Territory.

The work done by the government at centre and state level is exemplary and deserves much praise and is acknowledged worldwide. Here I would like to emphasize that work done by doctors in Jammu Kashmir and other staff in treatment of kidney diseases deserves special respect and appreciation.

They say prevention is better than cure. So it is the duty of society first then NGOs or governments to work in the prevention of kidney disorders. Followings steps can be helpful:

Strict treatment adherence to medicine as well as dietary changes by patients of diabetes and hypertension, as in many cases both medicine and diet is very erratic.

Diet forms a very important part. Many a times many patients of diabetes or which is commonly known as sugar as well as Hypertension commonly known as pressure are misled by fake advertisements of miracle cure shown for commercial purposes on TV.

We all must report these advertisements. Many such products contain toxic substances which accelerate the process of kidney disorders. Patients and their families must show more faith in doctors near them in any government hospital rather than someone who by profession just works at a chemist’s shop or Google search symptoms.

Since in most cases diabetes tends to run in families aggressive tracing of diabetic patients and their family members must be done , this yearly practice can prevent firstly many from getting diabetic and if they are diagnosed at an early stage treatment will be initiated at earliest and not at late stages.

I know many will not be happy to read this suggestion but what stops schools, colleges, universities , government and private offices from getting a yearly medical report on blood sugar levels, and simple measurement of Blood Pressure twice? Yearly check ups even in schools sometimes if done properly can diagnose congenital anomalies of the heart.

In European countries even the topper of the class is not allowed to sit in class if s/he does not produce a full medical report and I am here asking just for blood sugar tests and measurement of Blood pressure.

Lastly I would request all hard working people giving us vegetables, fruits to eat, kindly limit if not stop use of pesticides and fertilizers, so many studies prove that these cause cancers as well as damage to the kidneys. I would also humbly request all concerned departments to keep a regular check on the quality of milk sold. Since food adulteration is a chronic habit, unfortunately it requires regular checks.

Best example is encroachments and regular removal of these encroachments be it SMC or LAWDA.

Our society so far is famous mostly for innovation in WAZWAN like new varieties in sweet dishes or chutneys, time our society thinks something innovative to fight menace of drug abuse, rising cases of dialysis, and cancers.

The author is actively involved in raising awareness about Non-Communicable Diseases and Prevention of Suicides.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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