INTERGENERATIONAL BONDING | Appreciating the Role of Grandparents

First, what is intergenerational bonding? It is in simple words the time that you spend with people outside of your generation. Generation in the sense the media decides they don’t have the same tastes of books, music and what to do when you’re bored. Now your grandparents are not born in the same generation as you.

They are obviously older and much wiser than you. But do we need to talk and understand our grandparents? Of course, we need to, as firstly they are a part of our beautiful family, secondly because communication might make someone feel better. Example -us.

Communication in general might be the key that will dismiss the negative and unneeded stereotypes that are increasing during these years. It will also engage us to learn about our beautiful culture and history that begs to be known.

Now I have seen that people do not spend time with their grandparents because they are old and boring. They might enjoy different things than you but it does not mean they cannot branch out to embrace and appreciate different books, movies, music etc.

Grandparents hold an insane amount of knowledge about the world, how to live life, how to make your own mistakes. They never were and will never be dull, you just need to keep that stereotype out of your head and talk to them.

Our grandparents are the best emotional support out there. They are helping you develop your mental health and prevent you from sliding into cases like depression and loneliness.

How to talk to grandparents or older adults? We should always start sharing about our life, open up a little bit and ask them about their day. We should try to learn a new skill from them and then as a return to a favour, teach them a new skill.

Maybe learn gardening and start planting and growing plants. Ask them about your family history and try to make them loosen up around you as a friend. Spend quality time with them and learn then do something stupid and regret it later.

As a personal experience I spend a lot of time with my grandfather when I visit him in Delhi. He takes me shopping, drives, ice cream, and books. He knows I love reading. Every single trip he takes me to a bookstore and buys 2-3 books.

We, both me and my brother, are fond of him. We three are very close just like siblings. My great-grandfather can recognize most plants/trees in existence.

He also knows the best mythological stories out there. He narrates them with such passion that you would think that he was there when the story occurred. My paternal grandmother helps me with my Marathi but in such a fun way that I forget we are studying.

Such simple clips of my life just show how big of a role grandparents play in everyone’s life. They act as friends, parents, and teachers. Just remember to never forget about them and appreciate them and the memories you made with them while they last.

Ira Kulkarni,

Class 7th, The Orchid School , Pune

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK

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