Understanding the problem

Almost every year people in the valley of Kashmir are dismayed in the month of May due to pollen and allergies thereto. Rural areas with the usual characteristics of multiplicity of trees and other vegetation are effected the most, with the result corners, lanes, streets and roads are  laid with pollen material. A kind of poplar tree commonly known as Russian poplar is blamed the most and held as the first culprit followed by the Kashmiri Kikkar tree. As per a report the tree called Russian poplar is actually not of Russian origin. It is said to have originated from the United States of America (USA) and was introduced in Kashmir during 1982. Because of strong and fast growth just within 10 to 15 years it outnumbered the local poplar which usually grows slowly and takes average of 20 to 30 years to reach a profitable stage. The poplar trees shed object like cotton balls which shower to the earth like snowflakes and make easily visible to the naked eye a white layer on the ground. The layer is movable and does not stick to a place where it initially falls. This cotton like material being dry and light  flies to places. Russian poplars are said to release pollen that whirls in the air and cause numerous allergies by way of skin rashes, wheezing, sneezing, nasal congestion, watery and red eyes, chest infections leading to respiratory diseases, running nose, irritation in cheeks, fever, cold, throat infection etc.

The people of tender age, weak health and old age bear most of the brunt. People encountering the situation wear masks and also use handkerchief as the first aid. Departments of ear, nose and throat (ENT) and paediatrics in the health care institutions –government as well as private, witness an added rush. As a curative measure medical authorities prescribe anti-allergic tablets and in case of high infections prescribing anti-biotic medicines is not spared. However, sufferers provide a field day for druggists and chemists who register booming sales.

The other detested tree is the local Kashmiri Kikkar. It is to be pointed out that rarely any other tree blossoms as much as the kikkar which has no lean year like other fruit growing trees. Its flowers white in colour hanging in bunches have a strong fragrance that can be felt from quite a distance. As the poplar pollen banks on the ground, sticks to objects and structures, the kikkar pollen fills the entire atmosphere. Ignoring or overlooking the role and part of other carriers of pollen causing allergy some quarters opine that these tress need to be axed.

Being in large numbers in rural areas these trees boost the rural economy. They provide fuel, fodder and timber at quick and cheap rates. The Russian poplar timber is used in the construction of house roofs, slabs and roof shuttering, and boxes for holding apples for long transportation.

Kikkar wood, unlike other wood that does not burn unless dry, burns even when it is alive. Its wood is very hard, durable, water, beetle and sunlight resistant, and doesn’t decay sooner. It is used in making the body of trucks, base of platforms, bullock carts, horse carts, and hand-driven carts, due to its strength. These trees are a source of livelihood to many wood cutters, band-saw owners, xylopolists, and firewood dealers.

Allergies, the trees are held accountable for, are incurable but treatable and controllable. There are three main types of allergies, viz, tree, grass and weeds allergies. Besides, there are other allergies related to food, fibre, smoke, sunlight, perfume, scent, water etc.

Many things contain some allergens that can have an allergic action. In some people the naturally ordained immune system recognizes allergens as foreign body and dangerous thing. Consequently the inner system reacts in defence by making a type of anti-body called immunoglobin E against the perceived danger of an allergen.

Sometimes there is food allergy and food poisoning as well. The very food required to live and keep good health turns into poison while some poisons are used in medicine to cure the very ailing human being. There are many pollen carriers and contributors, the most dominant being wind or air.

Even human beings are no less responsible for spread of contagious or infectious diseases. Does this mean that all sources, carriers and contributors of pollen allergy, infections and other allergies are to be rooted out to get rid of the seasonal disturbance? Is the answer to the problem to block air or kill human beings for being carriers, destroy plants and weeds for being contributors, remove food items from the list of eatables and edibles for causing food poisoning? The answer would obviously be ‘no’ as it will mean washing hands off the magnum bonum these things provide.

Looking around, it is easily understood that all worlds, namely botanical, zoological, aqua, mineral, oceanic and other elements of nature have no profit motive except for human beings. The only requisite is adjustment by human world to the natural world. Atmosphere is and can never be 100 percent pollen, infection or allergy free.

That is why human beings confront infections, allergies, diseases, ailments everywhere. The difference is of degree, duration and area. Shortcoming and impotency lies in human beings as all people are not affected nor all effected equally. We have to adjust to short-spanning pains to reap long term gains.

In fact universe has not been made for selfishness but for the service of beings living on or across it especially human beings. Followers blossom and emit fragrance for all around free of cost. Birds sing and chirrup gratuitously sans any audience. The sun gives heat and light indiscriminately.

They impose no copyrights over their properties. It is only the man who is narrowly profit motivated over others, as a corollary he suffers more than he tries to obviate. The pollen the poplars scatter, the blossoming of kikkar trees with flowers are their natural life line to sustain to grow only for the benefit of people. Apparently their merits overweigh their seemingly demerits. Environment and the pollution control scientists can elucidate role of these trees in the ecological balance. May be pollen concerned and the flower bunches may have some medicinal content we may not be aware of as yet for which research work is to hasten.

The author is a former Sr. Audit Officer and Consultant in the A.G’s Office Srinagar.

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