‘Blood donors play important role in our society’

Srinagar, Nov 20: Baseera an Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) hosted a felicitation ceremony to honour the exemplary contributions of 28 dedicated blood donors of Kashmir.

The event, held at Primary Health Centre (PHC) Batamaloo Srinagar which witnessed presence of  Director Health Services, Kashmir Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather including Chairman Kashmir Concern Dr Touseef Ahmed Bhatt, Chairman NLCO  Manzoor Ahmad Wangnoo , social activist Syed Aijaz Kashani, chairman Green Land Foundation Er. Suhail Jan, prominent environmental activist Amjid Rezvi and representatives of leading NGO’s like Athrout, SRO and Help Poor Trust.

Chairman Baseera, Sheikh Bashir said “the ceremony is dedicated to acknowledge the selfless act of blood donation and serves as a platform to express gratitude to those who have made a significant impact on the community’s health and well-being.”

General Secretary Baseera NGO Dr Touseef Ahmed Bhatt said the 28 blood donors were recognised and awarded for their generosity, commitment, and the positive influence they have had on the lives of those in need.

In addition to the blood donors, the event also saw the participation of the Director of Health Services Kashmir,  Mushtaq Ahmad. He commended the efforts of Baseera in promoting and facilitating blood donation initiatives. “Notably, social activists who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to community welfare were also acknowledged in which Shabir Shalla, Kaiser Kawa and prominent social activist Syed Aijaz Kashani were awarded for their dedicated work in the social field,” the organisers said in a statement.

“This gesture aimed to highlight the importance of a holistic approach to social development and the integral role played by individuals committed to positive change. Shabir Hussain Khan also known as the “blood man of Kashmir” said the felicitation ceremony provided a platform for networking and collaboration among like-minded individuals and organizations, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility for health and well-being,” the statement added.

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