Gauri Kaul Foundation, GKCommunications felicitate Covid warriors

Srinagar, Aug 6: As an acknowledgement of the selfless service and passionate commitment to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Gauri Kaul Foundation and GK Communications Pvt Ltd on Friday held a ceremony to felicitate and honour the Covid-19 warriors from different hospitals of Kashmir.

Dr Abdul Rashid Najar, Deputy Director (schemes), Directorate of Health Services Kashmir and Dr Abdul Rouf, Medical Superintendent JLNM Hospital were the guests of honour while DrBilquees Shah, NBEMS Coordinator, JLNM Hospital was the special guest at the event. The event was held at the Gauri Heart Centre premises in Chanapora here.

Renowned cardiologist and Padma Shree Prof U Kaul along with the chief guest, guests of honour and special guest presented Certificate of Dedication to the selected frontline warriors of different hospitals.

Prof Kaul lauded the efforts put in by the healthcare workers in treating severe Covid19 patients in hospitals. “The society is indebted to the frontline warriors especially the unsung heroes who actually put everything at risk for the health of patients. We should acknowledge and encourage them for their selfless service. In this regard we have felicitated more of the frontline warriors from sanitation department, theatre, laboratory, ICU, imaging, security, hospital administration, oxygen plant, paramedics and transport department of the hospital and this is the backbone and actual team behind the service and management of the patients” said DrKaul.

The academic and research wing of Gauri Kaul Foundation also presented a Certificate of Excellence to the Department of Medicine, JLNM Hospital for getting NBE accreditation for DNB.

DrZubairSaleem, Geriatric Consultant acknowledged the contribution of the paramedical staff while dealing with the Covid-19 patients. “Prof U Kaul’s idea for focussing on paramedics is an exceptional one and quite inspiring. He makes us look beyond the obvious and that is the sign of a humanitarian visionary like him. I thank him for guiding us and making us look at things differently” said DrSaleem.

Speaking on behalf of the co-host of the event, GK Communications Pvt Ltd, Opinion and Feature Editor Mehmood-ur-Rashid stressed upon the collective responsibility of society and for every member to go beyond the call of normal duty and maintain an active vigil to prevent a third wave. While congratulating the winners, he thanked the paramedical staff and all fraternity members of the health community who have risen to the occasion thus far.

DrBilquees Shah, NBEMS Coordinator at JLNM Hospital narrated the efforts of the hospital staff during the recent Covid-19 second wave.

“I don’t know where to start and where to end. Though It has been a tough fight, we as a team at JLNM managed to fight it out.”

Dr. Abdul Rouf, Medical Superintendent, JLNM Hospital also highlighted the efforts of Covid warriors.

“I lost my mother, lost my uncle and almost lost my own life to Covid. I am still suffering from the after-effects of the infection but still am discharging my duties to the best of my abilities” said DrRouf.

CEO, Gauri Kaul Foundation, Ajaz Rashid said “every mission is as good as its team” adding that the felicitation event “is not only to facilitate but celebrate the role of the many unknown warriors of the medical stream”. “The most important cogs of the wheel who work tirelessly are usually either ignored or quietly forgotten. At Gauri Kaul Foundation our intent is to start from the last mile. The entire civil society must rise to the occasion and reward our paramedical and support staff” said Rashid.

In a meeting after the event JLNM Hospital and Gauri Kaul Foundation decided to work together for the people especially in the field of academic research and outreach programmes in the Valley.

UmatulRouf, staff nurse at Government Kashmir Nursing Home Srinagar lauded the team work of her associates for which she thanked staff members and seniors who she said provided timely support in rehabilitation of psychologically distressed Covid patients.

“During this pandemic we deal with patients far away from their dear ones when they need them most, increasing our nursing responsibility. I always tried to inculcate a positive attitude in my patients to develop their will power by which they felt motivated to participate in their treatment resulting in their better prognosis.” Rouf said.

Recollecting the trauma caused by the second wave of Covid , Tariq Ahmad Hajam from Forensic Medicine, SMHS said: “As a post mortem boy, I have seen more than 1300 pandemic deaths since last year. I vividly remember the death of a Sub Inspector from Rajasthan whose relative’s silence is a forever cry in his mind. Deserted by relatives and loved ones, one feels the world is temporary and contributing in ones active sphere of work is the best prayer”

Bilal Ahmad Mir who works in the sanitation department of Kashmir Nursing Home said he made all possible efforts to help Covid patients. “I am eager to help everyone. During the pandemic that patients were left by their well-wishers and relatives and crises occurred at every point. The lockdown further added to the woes. At the risk of my own life,I supported the patients” said Mir

Muhammad Yousuf Sheikh from CD Hospital said for last 22 years he has been serving the health department adding that Covid was the most challenging phase. “I have seen many patients, diseases and challenges before the doctors. But this coronavirus is entirely different and dangerous. I request everyone to follow the SOPs” Sheikh said.

Another Covid frontline worker, Waseem Shah from the administration team at JLNM Hospital said: “I missed my family but the patients needed me more, so I decided to dedicate my time at the hospital round the clock.”

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