Jhelum View Park turning into favorite spot for students bunking classes

The famous Jhelum View Park along the Bund here has become a favorite spot for school-going students who bunk their classes.

Every day scores of students in their uniform are seenroaming idle or sitting in groups inside the Park, during school hours.

“Students have become habitual of spending their entire dayin the park. It seems the schools authorities don’t pay any heed to theirabsence from classes,” said a shopkeeper at the Bund. “I see many of thesestudents every day here.”

Besides this park, students are also seen roaming in PratapPark during school hours. The move has raised question over the administrationof the schools.

“The concerned schools should act strict against thesestudents for remaining absent,” said Muhammad Ibrahim, a resident of The Bund.

In the past, the schools would rusticate the students whodon’t attend their classes for consecutive seven days. “This practice was laterdone away with because if the students are rusticated from schools the authoritiesat school department raise questions over decreasing enrollment,” said a schoolhead wishing not to be named.

The chief education officer (CEO) Srinagar said he hasinstructed school heads to take necessary measures against students foundabsent.

“Many students bunking their classes and found roaming alongthe Bund have been identified,” reads a circular issued by the CEO.

The heads of the institutions have been asked to inform theparents of students who are found often missing from classrooms.

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