This Ramadan, Ulema to focus on eradicating domestic violence against women

In a first step of its kind, the Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulema (MMU)—an amalgam of Kashmir’s renowned Islamic scholars headed by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq have decided to lay special focus on the issues confronting Kashmiri women on social and domestic fronts.

The Ulema took a pledge to provide space to women across theValley this Ramadan to allow them to put forth their grievances before theproper forums. They said the move is aimed to bring down the alarming graph ofdomestic violence. In this regard, Ulema held hectic deliberations on theissues confronting women at historic Mirwaiz Manzil Rajouri Kadal here decidedthat the upcoming month of Ramadan will be fully utilized for giving women folka “sense of security” by making them aware of their rights guaranteed in Islam.

“The recent gruesome rape of a girl in Bandipora districthas shook conscience of every Kashmiri citizen,” said the head of MMU, MirwaizUmar Farooq in his inaugural address.

Elaborating he said half the population in Kashmir compriseswomen “but unfortunately in the religious gatherings, only men are seen bethat Friday gathering or any other religious event.”

“Here, women–a house wife, a college going student andthose going to schools need to be given a proper attention. Domestic violencehas increased manifold in Kashmir. As a result women are taking extreme steps.Dowry deaths have become common in Kashmir,” he said.

Mirwaiz said each year, 1700 to 1800 complaints regardingdomestic violence and dowry deaths were witnessed in 2017-2018. “In the sameperiod, 3360 cases of sexual violence and rape cases have been registered. Theacts of abandoning new born babies especially girl child have also come to forein Kashmir,” he said.

“We need to create a mass awareness to make peopleunderstand that there is no concept of dowry in Islam. Though majority ofpeople are following the simple and austerity measures while performing Nikahceremonies, but at the same a huge chunk of people are promoting the ways andmeans that are taking the shape of social evils and uncomfortable situationsfor married women at their in-laws’ houses,” he said.

“Women need to be given a proper platform to put forthissues confronting them so that Ulema evolve a joint mechanism to plug thegrowing menace of sexual assaults against the women in the holy month ofRamadan,” he added.

In his address, Karwan-e-Islami International patron, AlamaGhulam Rasool Hami said that there was a dire need of increasing the number ofDarul-Ulooms and women and girls must be provided an opportunity to read andunder understand holy Quran and Hadith. “The best way to counter the moraldegradation is to ensure the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) reach out tofemales. Similarly, youth who have been falling prey to liquor and drug abuse,need to be admitted in Darul-Ulooms so that they get spiritual healing whileunderstanding the holy Quran and Hadith in its pristine form,” Hami said.

Speaking on the occasion, Jamiat-e-Ahlihadith representativeMoulana Muhammad Yaqoob Baba Al-Madni assured the meeting that all  possible steps will be taken to ensure thegraph of crimes against women goes down in Kashmir.

“It is our collective responsibility to address issuesconfronting women in Kashmir,” he said. The Ulema also unanimously decided thatthe use of loud speakers be confined to prayers calls (Azans) and Fridaysermons only. “Misuse of loudspeakers was causing a great inconvenience tothe people,” they said.

Among other prominent religious leaders who were present onthe occasion included patron of Darul Uloom Rahamiya Moulana Rehmatullah MirQasimi, Mufti Nazir Ahmed Qasimi, Anjuman-e-Shar-e-Shian patron Aga Syed AlHassan, Al-Mousivi, Al-Safavi,  ItehadulMuslimeen vice chairman Masroor Abbas Ansari, Anjuman-e-Himayatul Islam representativeMoulana Khursheed Ahmed Qanoongo, and at least 50 more Ulema from variousshrines and Masjids of Kashmir. The meeting was moderated by Moulana SyedurRehman Shams.

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