Congress needs charismatic Gen Next leader: Punjab CM

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Saturday backed ayoung leader to galvanise the Congress in the wake of Rahul Gandhi’sresignation as the party President.

Pointing to the large and growing youth population in thecountry, the Chief Minister urged the Congress Working Committee (CWC) to lookfor Gandhi’s replacement in a charismatic Gen Next leader, who can enthuse thepeople with his pan-India appeal and grassroots presence.


“Gandhi had shown the way for youth leadership to takethe party’s reins and steer it to greater heights”, said the ChiefMinister, adding that with India leading the world in terms of the largestyouth population, it was natural that a young leader would understand andrelate to the desires and aspirations of the people more effectively.

Any change in the party leadership must reflect India’ssocietal reality, with 65 per cent of its population under 35, said Singh saidin a statement.

He said Gandhi’s decision to stand firm on his resignationwas a major disappointment and setback for the party, from which it couldrecover only under the dynamic leadership of another young leader.

Only a youth leader could revive the grand old party, saidthe Chief Minister, urging the Congress leadership to keep the energy infusedby Gandhi going.

The Congress needs young blood to galvanise its rank andfile, and once again make it India’s preferred and only choice, said Singh.

The leadership of the party should be such that it reflectsthe realignment of its vision to the evolving aspirations of the nation, headded.

A youth leader, with a forward-looking approach, would notonly connect better with the large majority of India’s young population butwould inculcate the party with a dose of fresh thinking, desperately needed topull the nation back from the regressive and divisive policies of the rulingBharatiya Janata Party (BJP), he said.

Singh said under the guidance of the experienced partyveterans, a young leader, with a visionary approach and modern outlook, wouldpave the way for the birth of a new India — more vibrant, dynamic andprogressive.

It was time, he said, for the old to give way to the new,without which the Congress could not effectively tackle the challenges facedtoday.

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