DG Horticulture attaches staff of FPNs on account of poor performance

Srinagar: The Director General (DG) Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today visited Fruit Plant Nursery (FPN) Harwan to ascertain the situation arised due to encroachment of departmental land by the locals.

On the directions of DG and F.I.R. has already been lodged against the culprits.


Speaking on the occasion, the DG said that the encroachment in whatsoever form shall not be tolerated and action against the encroachers will be initiated under rules.

While taking stock of Nursery operations, Bhat expressed displeasure over the poor performance of the staff posted there. Normal Nursery operations like pruning, weeding, hoeing etc. were not performed and the nursery was giving a shabby look.

Later, the DG visited Fruit Plant Nursery Zakura, and took stock of the nursery operations and on inspection it was found that the condition was not much different from the Fruit Plant Nursery Harwan.

Taking strong note of it, the DG immediately suspended and subsequently attached the staff of both the nurseries with ACHD Zainapora, Shopian. Taking action against the Officer Incharge for negligence he suspended the Horticulture Development Officer Harwan.

Bhat instructed the Chief Horticulture Officer Srinagar to speed up the pruning, hoeing and other nursery operations in the departmental Nurseries/Orchards and make the Poly Green Houses functional. He further advised him to prepare the vacant land for creation of a Post Entry quarantine (PEQ) facility.

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