Govt wants to fill prisons with Muslim men, destroy families: Gujarat delegation on triple talaq bill

A delegation of Gujarat Muslims, including women, on Tuesday called on the state Congress president and requested him not to support the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017 when it is tabled in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, a media report said today.

The Bill was passed in the Lok Sabha a week ago with a voice vote. Though the Congress had demanded amendments in certain provisions of the Bill, it did not push for it during the discussion on the Bill.


Hitrakshak Samiti, a conglomerate of several Muslim organisations in the state, said: “The Bill is not only against Article 25 of the Constitution of India which guarantees religious freedom, but also goes against the recent judgment of the Supreme Court on the issue of triple talaq. It is being said that the Bill has been introduced to protect the rights of divorced women, but when the triple talaq itself shall not be legal and a valid form of divorce, then how can punishment be awarded for it?

In Article 5 of the Bill, it is mentioned that the husband shall take the responsibility of maintaining the divorced wife and his children. The question is when the husband, who issues triple talaq, will be behind bars, how will he take care of his divorced wife and children? Then, after spending three years in jail, how could it be expected that the husband would be able to resume a happy married life with his wife?”

They members, according to The Indian Express, said that the Bill was brought by BJP government with a political agenda.

 “The BJP government at the Centre also wants to promote its agenda of communal polarisation by curbing the right to religious freedom of Muslims and hence, it is absolutely necessary to defeat it,” they said.

“It appears that the BJP government wants to fill the jails with Muslims and destroy Muslim families.”

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