IGP Kashmir visits Kulgam, chairs security review meeting

Inspector General of Police Kashmir Zone S P Pani  today visited Police District Lines Kulgamand held interaction with the policemen at DPL Kulgam, a police spokesman said.

He said that DIG SKR Atul Kumar Goel-IPS, SSPKulgamGurinderpal Singh-IPS besides other officers of the district wereaccompanying IGP Kashmir.

The IGP Kashmir held interaction with his subordinates andemphasized on the officials to adopt people-friendly practices whiledischarging their duties. He urged upon the officers to prioritize theredressal of grievances reported at the police station in a professional mannerand to ensure frequent interaction with the locals which will help in creatinga strong bond between police and public.

IGP Kashmir emphasized the use of technology to usher inmore transparency and more accountability in the functioning of the police.Welfare measures initiated recently by the department were also discussedbesides rewards for good work were presented to the officials.

IGP Kashmir also paid floral tributes to DySPAman Kumar whowas killed in the line of duty while fighting militants at TurigamKulgam. Theofficer highlighted the role played by the departed soul and encouraged allofficers of district Kulgam for exhibiting extreme discipline and courage whileperforming professional duties.

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