I am proud and patriotic American: Kamala Harris

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris has said that she is a proud and patriotic American who loves her country as she rejected the Republicans’ charge that she was pressing a socialist agenda, asserting that her values reflect the values of the US.

In a final campaign push in Arizona on Wednesday, Harris told a drive-in rally in Tucson that everything is at stake as she focused her speech on criticising the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, The New York Times reported.

The California Senator also spoke out against charges from the Republicans that she is pressing a socialist agenda.

You know, there has been some talk about my values. Well, let me just tell you — I am a proud, patriotic American. I love my country and our values reflect the values of America, she told her supporters.

Drawing a contrast between her and the Trump’s campaigns where he addresses large crowds with not everyone wearings masks or maintaining social distancing, she said that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and she have been clear from the beginning that we are going to talk with voters, but do it in a way that we don’t risk their safety and their health.

During an event with Latina business owners before the rally, Harris’ aides carefully made sure that none of the participants stood too close together during the photo opportunity with the senator, telling people to maintain distancing.

In the past also, Harris has refuted the allegations that her policies are socialist in nature.

Harris, 55, was a presidential aspirant until last year before she dropped out of the race because of lack of popular support. Harris returned to political limelight after Biden picked her as his running mate in the November 3 election.

Born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, Harris is the first Indian-American and first Black woman to be picked by a major American political party for the top post.

President Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence are being challenged in the November 3 elections by former vice president Biden and his running mate Harris.

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