Keep banned groups in check during Ramazan: Pak govt to provinces

Pakistan’s interior ministry has asked the provincial governments to ensure that the ban on outlawed groups, including Jaish-e-Muhammed, LeT and Jamaat-ud-Dawa, from collecting donations was strictly enforced during the month of Ramazan, a media report said Sunday.

The ministry issued instructions to the provinces onSaturday to keep banned and under-observation organisations under strictsurveillance, the Express Tribune reported.

The provincial governments have started monitoring theseoutfits, it said.The provincial governments have been instructedto inform the public that under the Anti-terrorism Act 1997 and UN SecurityCouncil Act 1948, banned organisations could not be provided with any supportor financial assistance as it was a crime punishable by imprisonment betweenfive and 10 years and fine, the paper said.

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