Pentagon deploys warship to deter Iranian ‘threats’

Amid escalating tensions with Iran, the Pentagon has announced that it is deploying a  warship and a Patriot air defence missile system in the Middle East to deter the threats of possible operations against US forces in the region by Tehran.

The USS Arlington, which transports amphibious vehicles andaircraft, and the Patriot air defence system will join the USS Abraham LincolnCarrier Strike Group and a B-52 bomber task force in the Middle East region inresponse to “indications of heightened Iranian readiness to conductoffensive operations against US forces and our interests,” the Pentagon saidFriday.

The approval to deploy additional military asset againstIran has been done at the request of US Central Command, it said, adding thatthe Pentagon continues to closely monitor the activities of the Iranian regime,their military and proxies.

 The Pentagon said theUS did not seek conflict with Iran, but that Washington was “ready todefend US forces and interests in the region”.

“The Department of Defense continues to closely monitorthe activities of the Iranian regime,” it said in a statement.

 “Due tooperational security, we will not discuss timelines or location of forces,” thePentagon said. USS Arlington is a San Antonio-class ship thattransports US marines, amphibious vehicles, conventional landing craft androtary aircraft with the capability to support amphibious assault, specialoperations or expeditionary warfare missions.

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