Qureshi, Pompeo discuss bilateral ties, regional security

Visiting Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in atelephonic call with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed bilateralrelations and regional peace and security, according to a statement by thePakistan High Commission here.

“Foreign Minister Qureshi briefed Secretary Pompeoabout the measures being taken by Pakistan in accordance with the NationalAction Plan and the initiatives being taken by the government to carry outeconomic restructuring,” Dawn news quoted the statement as saying onMonday.

“He also spoke about the steps that Pakistan has beentaking for compliance with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) action plan. Inthis context, he highlighted the regulatory mechanisms that have been put inplace to curb money laundering and terror financing practices.”

The Foreign Minister also spoke to his US counterpart on theAfghanistan peace process.

“He reaffirmed Pakistan’s firm resolve to play itspositive role in this process and to support an intra Afghan dialogue.

“He also highlighted the Afghanistan Pakistan ActionPlan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) as a mechanism for strengtheningbilateral relations between the two countries and to have constructiveengagement,” the statement added.

Earlier on Monday, Qureshi also met British Home SecretarySajid Javid here.

The two “discussed matters of mutual interest thatincluded security cooperation, efforts to curb money laundering, organisedcrime and illegal migration”, the Pakistan High Commission said.

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