WFP suspends employees movement in Gaza after attack on UN convoy

WFP suspends employees movement in Gaza after attack on UN convoy

New Delhi, Aug 29: The World Food Programme (WFP) announced on Wednesday that it has suspended the movement of its employees in Gaza following an attack on a UN team returning from an aid delivery mission. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening, just meters from an Israeli-controlled checkpoint.

“This is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP’s team in Gaza,” said Cindy McCain, WFP’s Executive Director. She called on Israeli authorities and all parties involved in the conflict to take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of all aid workers in the region. Fortunately, no one was injured in the attack, the agency confirmed.


McCain expressed serious concerns about the current system designed to prevent such incidents, stating, “As last night’s events show, the current deconfliction system is failing, and this cannot go on any longer.”

UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric provided additional details at a briefing at UN Headquarters on Wednesday. “A clearly marked UN humanitarian vehicle—part of a convoy that had been fully coordinated with the (Israeli Defence Forces) IDF—was struck 10 times by IDF gunfire, including bullets targeting the front windows,” Dujarric told reporters.

“This is the latest incident to underscore that systems in place for coordination are not working,” he added. “We will continue to work with the IDF to ensure that incidents like this do not happen again.”

Dujarric reiterated the importance of adhering to international humanitarian law, emphasizing that civilians must be protected, and their essential needs—including food, water, shelter, and health care—must be met, regardless of their location in Gaza.

“This applies to those under evacuation orders, whether they choose to move or not. Those who leave must have enough time to do so, as well as a safe route and safe places to go,” he said.

The attack occurred as the UN team was returning from a mission to Kerem Shalom on Tuesday night, accompanied by two WFP armoured vehicles. The convoy had just escorted trucks carrying humanitarian cargo to Gaza’s central area. Despite being clearly marked and having received multiple clearances from Israeli authorities, the vehicle was fired upon as it approached an IDF checkpoint.

This incident marks the first time that a WFP vehicle has been directly targeted near a checkpoint during the 10-month-long conflict, despite following standard protocol and securing the necessary clearances. The agency described the attack as a “stark reminder of the rapidly and ever-shrinking humanitarian space in the Gaza Strip,” where escalating violence is increasingly hindering the delivery of lifesaving assistance.

Humanitarian workers in Gaza are facing growing threats, and the WFP highlighted the multitude of challenges they encounter while trying to deliver aid. Frequent evacuation orders continue to displace families and disrupt food relief operations intended to support them.




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